Types of Keywords for SEO that You Should Know

Types of Keywords

How do you know which keyword to use in your content? Find out what kinds of keywords every digital marketer uses.

When you choose the right group of keywords, it's easier for a page to rank. There are many different kinds of keywords for SEO. Some of them may only be one or two words. Some of them can be long sentences.

If you want to learn SEO and want to enter this field then you can learn SEO (Search Engine Optimization ) for free from SEO Tutorial

For keyword research, you need all of these words and phrases that people search for. These are keywords that will help people find your page. And they are usually grouped into specific categories and then broken down further.

Keywords for SEO by Length

These are Different types of keywords in SEO

Short Tails Keywords

There are many different types of keywords in SEO but the short tail keywords are one or two words that get a lot of searches. People often call them to focus keywords or head keywords.

Short-tailed fish are in a lot of competition. They also don't say what the user is specifically looking for.

Let's say you use Google to look for "SEO." It is looked up more than 91,000 times each month. It's not clear what the user wants to find. Because of this, the results for this keyword target will be different.

To get more specific, he or she has to use other words to narrow the search. Then, almost always, the number of searches will be less.

Long-Term Keywords

They are keyword phrases with more than two or three words. They may not get as many searches as short-tail keywords, but they are more specific.

Most of the time, long-tail keywords have three or more words.

Using the same example from above, the related long-tail keywords would be "best free SEO tools," "on-page SEO techniques," and so on.

They might not be searched for very often, but they will help your page rank well. In other words, there are a lot of sales from long-tail keywords.

Mid-Tail Keywords

These keywords are neither short nor long tails. They are longer than short-tail keywords but shorter than long-tail keywords. They get a moderate number of searches, which is more than long-tail keywords.

Let's look at the last example. "best free SEO tools" would be an example of a long-tail keyword. "SEO tools" would be a medium-length keyword.

SEO Keywords Based on Buyer Intent

Buyer intent helps you choose which keywords to use.


Users ask for these keywords when they want to learn more about a product or service. They often ask questions that start with "how," "what," "is it," etc.


A prospect would use a navigational keyword type in the search query to find an item in a certain store. Here, the user knows what the product is and what brand it is, but they want to know more.


Now that Internet user knows the brand, they want to know more about the product. Most of the time, a prospect's search query is about comparing the price and/or features of similar items sold by competitors.


Here, the keywords are aimed at people who are ready to buy after learning more about the product and are happy with the price after comparing it to other similar products.

SEO Keywords for a Particular Business

Different types of keywords are used in different fields.

Market Segment

These keywords are used in a certain industry or one of its sub-industries. They are general and broad, but they help the people the company wants to sell to understand what it sells.

For example, the word "clothes" is a keyword for a clothing brand.


As you might guess, they are words or phrases that have to do with a certain kind of customer. Marketers use them to reach groups of people who have things in common, like age, gender, etc.

Continuing with the previous example, a clothing brand's customer-defining keywords would be "clothes for men," "clothes for teens," etc. As you might guess, these keywords have to make sense in the context.


The brand names are on these kinds of keywords. They have higher conversion rates in a niche that likes or sticks with a brand's products.


They are based on places and are very helpful for businesses in the area. 46% of Google searches are about local information, according to a HubSpot study.

"Where can I buy [product] in [location]" is a good example of a geo-targeted keyword.


These are all the different kinds of keywords you can use to start your research. 

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